To get to Airport Balesin Island (BSI) by car, bus, train or taxi, you will need to find a transportation provider that services the area. For car, you can rent a car from a local car rental agency, or arrange for a private driver to take you there. The cost of the rental car or driver will depend on the distance traveled and the type of car used. For bus, you can take a bus from Manila to Balesin Island. The bus fare will depend on the route and the type of bus used. For train, you can take a train from Manila to Balesin Island. The train fare will depend on the route and the type of train used. For taxi, you can take a taxi from Manila to Balesin Island. The taxi fare will depend on the distance traveled and the type of taxi used.
There are currently no airlines operating at the Balesin Island (BSI) Airport. However, the airport does offer charter flights and helicopter services. The charter flights are typically operated by Airport Helicopter AHB AG from Switzerland, Norfolk Island Airlines from Australia, Blue Wing Airlines N.V. from Suriname, and Blue Tail from the United States.