To get to Boende Airport (BNB) by car, you can rent a car from a nearby rental agency. The cost will depend on the type of car you rent, but generally expect to pay between $50 and $100 per day. To get to Boende Airport (BNB) by bus, you can take a bus from one of the local cities, such as Boende, Umea, or Stockholm. The cost of the bus ride will vary depending on the distance and the route taken, but generally expect to pay between $10 and $50 per person per trip. To get to Boende Airport (BNB) by train, you can take a train from one of the local cities, such as Boende, Umea, or Stockholm. The cost of the train ride will vary depending on the distance and the route taken, but generally expect to pay between $15 and $100 per person per trip. To get to Boende Airport (BNB) by taxi, you can take a taxi from one of the local cities, such as Boende, Umea, or Stockholm. The cost of the taxi ride will vary depending on the distance and the route taken, but generally expect to pay between $30 and $100 per trip.
The following airlines operate out of Boende Airport (BNB): Baikotovitchestrian Airlines, CAMAIR-Co, Camair-Co, Equaflight Services, and Congo Express. Additionally, there is a general aviation terminal for private flights.